Saturday, 29 March 2008

The Gospel of Saint John

John Always refers to Jesus' miracles as 'signs': for those with eyes (spiritual eyes ) to see and says they reveal the character of God.

I've been contemplating this and leave this as the result.

1) The Changing of Water into Wine here is highly symbolic. This takes place on the Third day during a wedding. In other words, the Prana is wedded with the Apana vayus in the base of the Spine during Meditation. The number Three here from a numerological perspective represents a state of mental balance of both Intellect and Feeling. In John 2:1-11 it states that there were six stone water jars for ceremonial 'washing'. These are the six main Psychic Centres through which the Goddess Kundalini 'washes away the impurities of ego-consciousness' and leads the aspirant to God-Union. Jesus tells the servants ( Aspirants ) to 'draw some water out and take it to the head steward.'' This head stewart is the Ajna Chakra or Master of Ceremonies in Meditative Practice. The aspirant is asked to send a portion of of the water or Some Kundalini Energy to Ajna Chakra as a preliminary practice to attain th ultimate goal of God-Perception.

2) Healing an official's son in John 4:43-54 Represents the journey of Kundalini through Svadhisthana Chakra or the Sex Centre. The 'miraculous' portrayal of Jesus as the bestower of life( note: without any physical contact )refers to a state of great control over the sexual pro-creative instinct. Through Yoga practice and mental control the devotee transmutes the basic sexual energy into a greater, more dynamic creative energy which can give new life to the devotee, as well as greater benefits to the source of the devotees love. The yogi begins to find a new expression for his energies by strictly controlling this centre.

3) Healing of a Paralyzed man at the pool of Bethesda here is the third 'sign'. The pool of Bethesda is the Manipura Chakra. This pool was regarded as a place of great healing and indeed, a person with this centre operating very well has very good healing abilities. In John 5:1-18 Jesus performed this healing during the Sabbath which greatly angered the offical priest at the time. To bring Kundalini to this centre one must forgo usual orthodox restrictions and PRACTICE some form of Selfless Service to others. To practice and become adept at healing is a sure way to develop and balance the flow of forces within the subtle auric structure, as well as develop those forces within this vitally important centre.

4) The feeding of the five thousand is considered the fourth traditional 'sign' of Jesus. The Heart Chakra here is described. By making a greater demand of Prana through the heart centre the many hungry nadis are fed with Prana. The devotee 'let's none of this energy go to waste' as he turns his Consciousness and life force within avoiding the dissipation of forces through the five senses.

5) Jesus heals the man born blind. The pool of Silo'am is the Vishuddha Chakra where the devotee is directed to wash away the dimed perception of material illusion. By annointing the kundalini at Vishuddha Chakra the yogis perceives the world with a super-conscious vision. When Kundalini manifests in this centre the Spiritual Blindness of the devotee is healed and he has attained a measure of God-Perception and begins to realize the great cosmic illusion of material life.

6) Jesus precedes in raising Lazarus from the dead. This is quite an interesting account from a metaphysical perspective. After attaining the deeper state of Meditation or conscious union of Kundalini with Ajna Chakra the devotee is no longer bound by death as before. He has attained Liberation from certain karmic constraints. Inwardly he is communing with the Eternal Source of Immortality. Such a one is now, in a very deep state of God-realization.

7) Here we have the final 'Sign' of the abundant fish caught by the disciples of Jesus, which leads to recommissioning of Peter and through him the other disiples, to take the Masters teachings out to the whole world. After having attained Self-realization or Samadhi at the Sahasrara Chakra the Devotee is commissioned to spread his wisdom, Bliss and Love unto those less fortunate and to assist them in catching their own abundant supply of Inner Treasure through God-Realization.

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Sunday, 9 March 2008

Nirvikalpa Samadhi - Stanza Two

'' The Great Master in this state knows the twinkling atoms of Cosmic Energy to be his own eyes, through which he peers into every pore of Space and into Ifinity.

He enjoys in all Creation the fragrance of Bliss; and inhales the sweetness of astral atom-blossoms, blooming in the Cosmic garden.

He tastes the astral nectar of liquid Cosmic Energy; and sips the fluid honey of a tangible joy, existing in the honeycomb of electronic space.

No longer is he lured by material food, but lives by his own Divine Energy.

He feels his voice vibrate, not in a human body, but in the throat of all vibrations, and in his body of all finite matter.

He listens to his voice of creative Cosmic AUM, conjoined with the song of Spirit, singing through the flute of atoms, and through the shimmering waves of all Creation; and he desires to hear naught else.

He feels his blood of perception run through the veins in the body of all finite vibratory creation.

He feels the home of his being in the ocean of Space, and perceives the swimming waves of island universes on his own sea bosom.

He knows the softness of the petals of blossoms, and the tenderness of the love in all hearts, the aliveness of youth in all bodies.

He knows births and deaths only as changes dancing on the Sea of Life - even as waves of the ocean, fall, and rise again.

He cognizes all past and future, but lives in the eternal present.

For him the conundrum of the why of being is resolved in the singular realization: ''From Joy we have come. In Joy we live and move and have our being. And in that Saced Perennial Joy we melt again''.

This is Self-Realization, man's native state.''

Paramahansa Yogananda

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Nirvikalpa Samadhi - Stanza one

''The man of Cosmic Consciousness, never feeling himself as limited to a body or as reaching only to the brain, or only to the cerebral-lotus of a thousand rays, instead feels by true intuitive powers the ever-bubbling Bliss that dances in every particle of his little body, and in his big Cosmic Body of the universe, and in his absolute nature as one with the eternal Spirit beyond manifested forms.

Never a victim of imaginary perceptions, fanciful inspirations, or 'wisdom' hallucinations, is always intensely conscious of the Unmanifest Spirit and also of the entire Cosmos in all its bewildering variety.

With his consciousness extended and awakened in every particle in the circumambience of infinite space feels his little physical body and all its perceptions not as an ordinary human being, but in Oneness with omniscient Spirit.

Freed from the intoxications of delusion and delusive mortal limitations he knows his earthly name and possessions, but is never possessed or limited by them.

Living in the world, he is not of the world.

He is aware of hunger, thirst, and other conditions of the body, bu his inner consciousness identifies itself, not with the body, but with Spirit.

Such a one's Soul floats on the foul waters of dark earthly experiences - of man's sad indifference to God - like an unsoiled lotus arising from the muddy waters of a lake.

Sucha one experiences sensations, not in the sensory organs but as perceptions in the brain.

The ordinary man feels cold or heat, he hears sounds in the ears; he tastes with the palate; and smells through olfactory nerves; but the Self-realized Master experiences all such sensations in the brain.

He percieves sensations, feelings, will, body, perception - everything - in thought, as mere suggestions of God as he dreams through man's consciousness.

He beholds the body, not as flesh, but as a bundle of condensed electrons and life force, ready to be dematerialized or materialized at the yogi's will!

He sees the motion picture of the cosmos going backward and forward on the screen of his consciousness; he knows in this way that time and space are dimensional forms of thought, displaying cosmic motion pictures, dreams that are constantly new, infinitely varied - and true-to-touch, true-to-sound, true-to-smell, true-to-taste, and true-to-sight.

He sees that the birth of his body was merely the beginning of certain changes; he knows death to be the change that naturally follows earthly life. He is ready and able, at the moment of his choosing, to part consciously with his bodily dwelling!

He is aware of the coursing of a planet trillions of light years distant, and, at the same moment, of the flight of a nearby sparrow.

He feels his body, a tiny atom, within his vast luminous Cosmic Body.''

Paramahansa Yogananda

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