Wednesday, 28 May 2008

A list of Yogi Masters for study

Find below a list of Yogi Masters which I present here for those students wanting to study the life of Saints and the metaphysical significance of their lives through Selfless Service, Unconditional Surrender to God, and Scientific Techniques for attaining God-Communion.

These names are not in any particular order of importance.
This list is in no way Complete....of course!

1) Paramahansa Yogananda

2) RamaKrishna Paramahansa

3) Swami Vivekananda

4) His Eminence Sir George King

5) Jesus Christ

6) Buddha

7) Patanjali

8) Rama

9) Krishna

10) Moses

11) Lahiri Mahasaya

12) Kabir

13) Swami Pranabananda

14) Nagendra Nath Bhaduri

15) Mahendra Nath Gupta

16) Sri Yukteswar Giri

17) Adi Shankaracharya

18) Arjuna

19) Trailanga Swami

20) Shankari Mai Jiew

21) Swami Sri Sadasivendra Saraswati (aka Sadasiva Brahman)

22) Swami Sri Paramasivendra Saraswati

23) James J. Lynn (aka Rajarsi Janakananda)

24) Therese Neumann

25) Ram Gopal Muzumdar

26) Ravidas

27) St Teresa of Avila

28) Ananda Moyi Ma

29) Pavari Baba

30) Francis of Assisi

31) Yogi Ramiah (aka Sri Rama Yogi)

32) Ramana Maharshi

33) Tulsidas

34) Durbasha

35) Draupadi

Ramakrisha Paramahansa ''There is nothing in mere scholarship. The object of study is to find means of knowing God and realizing him.''

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