In WikiAnswers.Com I have tried to answer certain questions of a deep metaphysical nature. Based on my own years of experience and research I hope other people will be able to gain a better understanding of the deeper aspects of the yoga and lifes greater mysteries.
Among the questions posed was 'What is Samadhi ?'
I offer this as my answer:
Samadhi is the Sanskrit word for Meditation.
Among the least understood words in the English language is Meditation.
True Meditation is a state of consciousness which is above the Sub-conscious and Conscious states of mind. It is a state of God-realization which is contacted almost always in the immobile trance state of Sabikalpa Samadhi or Conscious Death!
In the initial stages of God-Communion or God-realization the yogi's conscious mind becomes transmuted, by certain scientific yoga methods, into a higher, more expansive state of Super-consciousness.
In this Super-conscious state the yogi's life force has withdrawn from the body into the higher psychic centres or chakras and thereby inducing a state somewhat similar to death.
The heart is virtually imperceptable or some cases has actually stopped working and the blood circulation is induced to a semi-suspended state, but rigor mortis will not set in because always in Meditation or Samadhi there is a thin band of head around the forehead and certain energies maintained in the higher centres which stops rigor mortis setting in.
In the initial stages of Meditation, known as Sabikalpa Samadhi, this Super-conscious state is cannot be maintained except in the immobile trance state.
Later, by continous Meditation and advancement to higher spiritual levels the yogi is able to progress to the truly deep states of Meditation known as Nirvikalpa Samadhi.
Nirvikalpa Samadhi is a state of Meditation without bodily fixation and the yogi experiences his or her state of Super-consciousness in the normal waking state of consciousness - that is without the need to go into the immobile trance state. My StumbleUpon Page
Monday, 28 January 2008
What is Samadhi ?
Posted by avatars-unite at 12:59
Labels: God, God-consciousness, God-quest, God-Realization, Meditation, Oneness, Samadhi, Yoga
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