For countless millenia mankind has asked this question
What is Life all about ?
How do we find Meaning in our Lives ?
Is there a God ?
It appears that this searching on the part of mankind is born out of a deep seated desire to Know Truth. Modern Science is for the most part still searching for answers to the Why and How of existence. The ancient Rishis or Saints in ancient India devoted their lives to this vital search.
Through Meditation and Yoga they discovered the subtle laws which operate behind and through matter. They discovered that every living thing is on a Journey!
When we go into the countryside for a walk we travel through space and also time - this is obvious. But there is another higher, more important journey we All make - in fact - the ONLY REAL JOURNEY we will ever have to make - THE JOURNEY THROUGH EVOLUTION!
The ancient Masters applied their minds to the Scientific Techniques of Meditation where these Truths were revealed. They realized that everything we do in life - every thought and action was virtually a stepping stone towards their own Evolution or temporarily taking us away from that Great Source from which we came.
By applying the Principles of Right conduct and Living we could shorten our journey - our spiritual advancement and bypass the need to undergo unneccessary suffering.
Evolution Presumes a journey towards an objective or goal.
This goal - this Ultimate Truth - this Perfection towards which we are all moving at our own pace is what the Ancient Yogi's called God.
Now, for God to be an Absolute Perfection it must be :
No 1 ) Changeless ( Anything which changes cannot be real in any fundamental sense )
No 2 ) Greater than the Whole and yet Containing It ! ( Every material thing in Creation has a source from which it came - including the Universe. All parts of Creation must be aspects of the Absolute, albiet, at different stages of Evolution, whereas the Absolute must be Greater than That which It Created - this is Logical )
No 3 ) Must be Beyond the neccessity for Evolution Itself ( The Absolute created the 'neccessities' of Karma so that Manifestation could exist within a Creation which offers Evolution as its basis. The Absolute, however, must be beyond the need to Evolve - at least Evolution as we understand it governed by Karmic Dictates )
For the ancient yogis this realization became their Ultimate Adventure!!!
This Adventure they called - Yoga or Union with God.
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Monday, 14 January 2008
What is the Purpose of Life ?
Posted by avatars-unite at 07:12
Labels: Answers, Avatars-unite, blogger, Purpose of life, the ultimate adventure
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