Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Kundalini Experience - A Brief Study

This experience is mentioned by Gopi Krishna and describes its occurance some 12 years after his first reported mystic experience of Kundalini.

''Without any effort on my part and while seated comfortably on a chair, I gradually passed off, without becoming aware of it, into a condition of exaltation and self-expansion similar to that I experienced on the very first occasion, in December 1937, with the modification that in the place of the roaring noise in my ears there was now a cadence like the humming of a swarm of bees, enchanting and melodious, and the encircling glow was replaced by a penetrating silvery radiance, already a feature of my being within and without.

The marvelous aspect of the condition, lay in the sudden realization that although linked to the body and surroundings I had expanded in an indescribable manner into a titanic personality, conscious from within of an immediate and direct contact with an intensely conscious universe, a wonderful immanence all around me.

My body, the chair I was sitting on, the table in front of me, the rooms enclosed by walls, the lawn outside and the space beyond including the earth and sky appeared to be most amazingly mere phantoms in this real, inter-penetrating and all-pervasive ocean of existence which to explain the most incredible part of it as best I can, seemed to be simultaneously unbounded stretching out immeasurably in all directions, and yet no bigger than an infinite small point.

From this point, the entire existence of which my body and its surroundings were but a part, poured out like radiation, as if a reflection as vast as my conception of the cosmos were thrown out upon infinity by a projector no bigger than a pinpoint, the entire intensely active and gigantic world picture dependent on the beams issuing from it.

The shoreless ocean of consciousness which I was now immersed in appeared infinitely large and infinitely small at the same time, large when considered in relation to the world floating in it and small when considered in itself, measureless, without form or size, nothing and yet everything. It was an amazing and staggering experience for which I can cite no parallel and no simile, an experience beyond all and everything belonging to this world, conceivable by the mind or perceptible to the senses.

I was intensely aware internally of a marvelous being so concentratedly and massively conscious as to outluster and outstature infinitely the Cosmic Image present before me, not only in point of extent and brightness but in point of reality and substance as well.

The phenomenal world, ceaselessly in motion characterized by Creation, incessant Change and Dissolution, receeded into the background and assumed the appearance of an extremely thin, rapidly melting layer of foam upon a substantial rolling ocean of life, a veil of exceedingly fine vapor before an infinitely large conscious Sun, constituting a complete reversal of the relationship between the world and the limited human consciousness. It showed the previous all-dominating Cosmos reduced to a state of transitory appearence and the formerly care-ridden point of awareness, circumscribed by the body, grown to the spacious dimensions of a mighty universe and the exalted stature of a majestic immanence before which the material cosmos shrank to the subordinate position of an evacent and illusive appendage.''

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