Friday, 1 February 2008

The Spiritual Eye and the Three Gunas

''Atop the astral spine is the luminous sun of the Spiritual Eye: a halo of golden light surrounding a sphere of opal blue, in the center of which is the piercing white light of a star of five rays.

Within this Spiritual Eye, the yogi may discern his state of Karmic purity or impurity according to the reflection there of the spiritualized or materially inclined vibrations issuing from the spinal astral currents.

The predominance of the sattvic, or rajasic, or tamasic qualities in his nature indicate themselves in the form of an astral triangle of three points of light seen in the spiritual eye.

The top luminous point is Sattvic; and when this quality predominates, it is of dazzling white.

The left point is the Rajasic quality whose whose characteristic is red; and if it is the most brilliant point, the rajasic nature is predominant.

The Tamasic quality is a dark point on the right; and if that darkness is predominant over the other two points in the astral triangle, it indicates the temporary strong influence of the gross delusive quality.

The entire record of the physical, astral, and spiritual qualities of the devotee are classified within this trilogy of lights.

If all three points of light are harmoniously even, it indicates a perfect balance or equilibrium in the yogi; the tamasic quality properly maintaining the gross materialization of the bodily instrument, the rajasic quality vitalizing the body through the astral powers, and the Sattvic quality guiding the consciouness in proper determinations.''

Paramahansa Yogananda

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avatars-unite said...

Here we have a brilliantly simple yet very valuable piece of information regarding the Christ Centre or Ajna Chakra.

I put this article in because it provides a excellent guide, being as it is, a certain spiritual phenomena which we will all percieve for ourselves when we become Adepts of Yoga.

Paramahansa Yogananda adds to this:
'' Going beyond these astral phenomena, as the devotee is advised to do, the truly successful yogi fully opens the spiritual eye and penetrates his consciousness through it into the perception of the Infinite!''