''Blessed are they who give without expecting even thanks in return,
for they shall be abundantly rewarded.
Blessed are they who translate every good thing they know into action,
even higher truths shall be revealed to them.
Blessed are they who do God's Will without asking to see results,
for great shall be their recompense.
Blessed are they who Love their fellow human beings,
for they shall reach the good in people and recieve a loving response.
Blessed are they who have seen Reality,
For they know that not the garment of clay but That which activates the garment of clay is real and indestructable.
Blessed are they who see the change called Death as a Liberation from the limitations of this Earth-life,
for thy shall rejoice with loved ones in a glorious transition of consciousness.
Blessed are they who after dedicating their lives and thereby recieving a Blessing have the courage and faith to surmount the difficulties of the path ahead,
for they shall recieve even a second Blessing.
Blessed are they who advance towards the Spiritual Path without the selfish motive of seeking inner peace, for they shall find it!
Blessed are they who instead of trying to batter down the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven approaches it humbly and lovingly and purified,
for they shall pass right through.''
Peace Pilgrim
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
The Blessings !
Posted by avatars-unite at 12:24 0 comments
Labels: blessing, courage, faith, Meditation, peace, Peace Pilgrim, spiritual path, Yoga
The Seven Valleys
The Great Avatar and Master Sri Rama Krishna stated that:
'' No matter who you are or what technique you employ, Meditation must take the aspirant across six different valleys or planes of consciousness, in order to reach the Seventh, the last.''
Describing his personal experience of Meditation Rama Krishna spoke:
''Come forth, O Thou Sword of Immortality, from this Thy Scabbard! I prayed; days, weeks, and months. At last over the embankment of this world Kundalini entered the waters of the first of the seven valleys.
A light utterly unknown, like another Sun, shone upon what I percieved. All the things of this Earth that I looked upon wore the vesture of Beauty. Everywhere I glanced, beyond and around, beauty and spirituality leaped out of matter like tigers from dark dens. Now I was aware that this was the home of the senses. The sight of so much wonder filled me with terrible appetites. 'Possess, Possess,' they cried. I was seized with an overpowering desire to taste and own all the beauty that lay about me. Just at that moment another cry broke out in me: 'Beware, beware of the sinister temptation of this valley!
No sooner heard than done. I set out to quicken my Meditation. I Meditated harder and prayed more intensely for release from the first valley. At the end of some months my prayers were answered. The world of the senses tempted me no more; slowly the first valley fell from my consciousness as the skeleton of its prey falls from the eagle's talons.
I entered the second valley Here I was not obsessed with the clawing material beauty of what I saw. The light in which the world appeared now was more refined, more subtle, and soothing. I felt happy here. Fragments of beautiful colours, shapes, and sounds haunted and sweetened my hours in this valley. I thought of relaxing my Meditation and staying there. Just then I was tempted to create life. 'Things of Sex'. For in the sublime light of the second valley, sex wears the appearence of beatitude and power. But no matter how it appears, the soul must resist its temptation. I set out to free my consciousness from the besetting beauty of sex. I heaped more fuel of devotion on the altar of God-Quest.
Thus I reached the third stage. In this valley I found that the sense of power that I had experienced before, in the second, had increased a hundredfold! Now I felt that I could take the Sun between the palms of my hands and crush it into a handful of burning dust. This sense of power must be resisted. It is nothing but a test of one's character. The instant I percieved the danger that beset me, I quickened my Meditation to the utmost. It had to be more powerful than the power that I had to resist. I prayed - oh! how I prayed - to be free of my sense of power. Like the fangs of the viper it held me. But my soul would not yield to it. I rose on the wings of Meditation higher and higher till height had no meaning for me. At that moment the serpent opened its mouth and fell from my side!
Now like an elephant hurtling through a fence I plunged on the valley of the Heart Centre. As if my heart had become a torch lit by the flame from God, light lit my soul over everything. Pebbles and stars - all sang with equal radiance a song of the Ineffable. In this fourth valley I felt wellnigh secure from temptation. Yet I kept a strict watch on myself. Though I was a chalice of Light, yet I felt suspicious.....of temptation. That feeling served me as a warning. Thus followed another long period of fasting, prayer, and meditation.
Fortunately this time I did not have to wait so very long. The light in my heart expanded. It flung a vast circle like a net of Suns around and beyond. And Lo! I had reached the next valley, the realm of Utterance. My thoughts and feelings, every pulse and each cell of me was illumined. Through my throat and lips poured words of wonder and Benediction. I praised the Lord all the time. Save of him I could not bear to speak. And if anyone spoke of possessions and pleasures, their words smote me like rods. It got to be so that if any of my relatives came to consult me on family matters I used to run away and hide myself in the woods of Panchabati.
I felt as though drowning in their presence. Only by leaving them could I find peace. In one way, this valley is not full of tolerance and love at all! One must transcend it.
That is why I flung myself into deeper and steeper Meditations yet. There was no peace or pleasure for me. 'Either find him face to face or take my life,' I counseled myself. As a tiger crouches in order to leap, so did I. I prayed, I waited, I watched. I must not give in to merely praising God. I must see him. So I sat couchant with prayers. Sudenly I percieved something ahead.
That instant I leaped - in a trice I was i the sixth, the valley of Turiya.
Here I was close to my Beloved. I could see and feel him in the next chamber. Only a thin transparent veil separated the soul from the self. At last I knew that I was in a room in the House of Oneness.
From the sixth valley it is not difficult to pass on to the seventh. There no word can enter, nor the chatter of human thought. Only your soul clad in silence can lift the veil that separates him from your embrace.''
Posted by avatars-unite at 09:08 0 comments
Labels: Chakras, Consciousness, Desire, Enlightenment, Kundalini, Love, Meditation, Sex
Describing the Indescribable !
The disciples of Rama Krishna (19th century Indian Saint) often asked him to describe the indescribable.
''God-Consciousness cannot be explained through words. Only experience, not phrases, can reveal to you the full magnitude of the Infinite'' The Master would reply.
Despite his reluctance to describe God-consciousness many of his disciples would press him to describe his own personal experiences of Samadhi. Rama krishna once answered, '' I cannot see why I should explain it to you whom I have trained and helped to attain that experience. If it can be put into words why do you not do it?''
''But, my Lord,'' the disciples said, ''we cannot live in it as long as you can. You who have stayed in Samadhi for six or seven days at a time are the one to explain it. In the presence of Silence how dare we speak?''
But Rama Krishna only smiled at their bare-faced compliment.
There is a story that at one time some friends of Rama Krishna urged him to explain Samadhi. They said: ''If you say something about it you prove everything. Give us a definition of Samadhi, and that will give us a definition og God.''
But the wary Master replied, ''And if I give you a definition of God, what will you do with it? Oh, I know what you will eventually do; you will make a creed of it in order to found a new religion in my name. I did not come to Earth to start another cult. Oh, no!''
Another time, when pressed into describing the Indescribable state of God-Realization Rama Krishna instantly passed into Samadhi.
His breathing stopped.
His heart ceased working.
And his pulse beat no more.
Were it not for the even temperature of his body there was no way of distinguishing him from a corpse.
Of course there was nothing alarming about it; his disciples had seen him in that state very often, days at a time!
At last when he came out of Samadhi he resumed his discourse:
''Oh, my sons, I try to explain it to you. But the experience is so great words cannot render it. You must plunge yourself into the waters of that experience. For there is no other way of fathoming it. Your mind and intellect, swift though they are, cannot overtake the lightning-steed of God-Consciousness. Those two only raise the dust of words in which they get lost.''
Posted by avatars-unite at 08:34 0 comments
Labels: God-Realization, Masters, Meditation, Rama Krishna, Yoga
Monday, 28 January 2008
During Deep Meditation the Goddess Kundalini, which normally resides at the base of the spine centre in most people, is awakened and brought up the subtle nerve channel called Sushumna ( which is within the spinal column ) in her entirety.
When this Great and Most Holy Goddess is brought up through the baser Psychic Centres into the Heart Centre or Anahata Chakra this centre becomes tremendously active and alive.
If you were to see it clairvoyantly it would appear as if a great flower of God, itself, was coming into bloom. In this mystic state the aspirant is in a deep trance bordering on Meditation - great Love and Compassion towards all life is felt here, as well as, of course, clairvoyance and psychic abilities.
When 'She' enters the Throat Centre or Vishuddha Chakra the yogi is then in a Meditative state.
The life force has left the heart centre and together with the Kundalini Shakti , they adorn the resplended Vishuddha!
This is a basic, but nevertheless, elevated Meditative State. In this state of Sabikalpa Samadhi great Bliss and Calmness and Inner Peace is felt and experienced within - while to the outer world the body appears cold and lifeless!
When the Kundalini rises to the Brow Centre or Third Eye Centre as its sometimes called we then enter the deeper states of Meditation or Super-consciousness.
In this state the yogi experiences not only great Bliss and Inner Peace but also becomes a Knower of That upon which he or she Meditates.
This is a very deep state of Meditation, experienced by only a few advanced souls on Earth.
One could say that in this deep state of Meditation when becomes Enlightened!
Through continual Meditation and advancement Kundalini can be pushed even further into the highest possible Centre in the human body - the Crown Centre or Sahasrara Chakra.
When Kundalini enters this centre the yogi Master is then beginning to establish him or herself in the higher, more advanced state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi or Conscious Communion with God.
Nirvikalpa Samadhi is also known in the west, as, Cosmic Consciousness.
Posted by avatars-unite at 14:04 0 comments
Labels: ajna, anahata, chakra, manipura, Muladhara, sahasrara, svadhisthana, vishuddha
What is Samadhi ?
In WikiAnswers.Com I have tried to answer certain questions of a deep metaphysical nature. Based on my own years of experience and research I hope other people will be able to gain a better understanding of the deeper aspects of the yoga and lifes greater mysteries.
Among the questions posed was 'What is Samadhi ?'
I offer this as my answer:
Samadhi is the Sanskrit word for Meditation.
Among the least understood words in the English language is Meditation.
True Meditation is a state of consciousness which is above the Sub-conscious and Conscious states of mind. It is a state of God-realization which is contacted almost always in the immobile trance state of Sabikalpa Samadhi or Conscious Death!
In the initial stages of God-Communion or God-realization the yogi's conscious mind becomes transmuted, by certain scientific yoga methods, into a higher, more expansive state of Super-consciousness.
In this Super-conscious state the yogi's life force has withdrawn from the body into the higher psychic centres or chakras and thereby inducing a state somewhat similar to death.
The heart is virtually imperceptable or some cases has actually stopped working and the blood circulation is induced to a semi-suspended state, but rigor mortis will not set in because always in Meditation or Samadhi there is a thin band of head around the forehead and certain energies maintained in the higher centres which stops rigor mortis setting in.
In the initial stages of Meditation, known as Sabikalpa Samadhi, this Super-conscious state is cannot be maintained except in the immobile trance state.
Later, by continous Meditation and advancement to higher spiritual levels the yogi is able to progress to the truly deep states of Meditation known as Nirvikalpa Samadhi.
Nirvikalpa Samadhi is a state of Meditation without bodily fixation and the yogi experiences his or her state of Super-consciousness in the normal waking state of consciousness - that is without the need to go into the immobile trance state. My StumbleUpon Page
Posted by avatars-unite at 12:59 0 comments
Labels: God, God-consciousness, God-quest, God-Realization, Meditation, Oneness, Samadhi, Yoga
Saturday, 26 January 2008
Kundalini - The Cosmic Energy
Within every living thing there is Shakti ( A Divine Mother Aspect of God ).
Now, this Shakti in its Absolute state is neither male nor female, and yet both, for it contains all sexes. But, when we talk about the Shakti in Creation we are referring to a feminine quality or attribute inherent within all things.
Shakti is the Feminine Negative Aspect of God within Creation, whereas, Shiva is the Masculine Positive Aspect of God within Creation.
Just as we have a negative and positive magnetic pole within atomic structure so does man contain both magnetic poles of energy within his physical and subtle structure.
The Shakti - or Feminine Spiritual Energy within Man and Woman is referred to in Yoga and ancient writings as Kundalini.
Kundalini is a tremendously powerful force. It is really a form of Cosmic Energy.
This Kundalini actually resides at the base of the spine in most people in a state of semi-dormant potential.
In the natural process of spiritual advancement or by Sadhana ( Spiritual Practice ) this Divine Goddess is awakened from her 'resting place' to which she has become accustomed! and gradually begins to reveal her attributes to the yogi.
Now, in every individual we have some part of Kundalini Shakti manifest within us for this Cosmic Energy is Life, as well as Consciousness!
However, through strict Yoga practice and Devotion we can learn to raise Kundalini, in her entirety, from the Base of the Spine Centre and bring her up into certain higher Centres within ourselves, like stepping stones to the Infinite!
For it is when Kundalini reaches the highest centre - the main psychic centre within every man, woman, and child - sometimes called the Brahma Chakra or Sahasrara - we finally merge our consciousness with the Infinite Consciousness.
When this Kundalini merges with the very high energies within the Brahma Chakra ( referred to as Shiva, in yogic writings ) we have a mystic union which results in the highest state of consciousness possible on Earth - Cosmic Consciousness.
Cosmic Consciousness is the Goal of every Adept.
In Cosmic Consciousness we become firmly established in God!
Kundalini is the grace of God in Creation.
This is the reason why we are here.
To Master ourselves and strictly control this Energy.
We will never know true freedom until we have learned to Master this Energy.
For this we we need Yoga! My StumbleUpon Page
Posted by avatars-unite at 12:49 0 comments
Labels: Chakras, Kundalini, Meditation, Primordial Energy, Serpent Power, Shakti, Yoga, Yogis
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
Avatars-Unite - Mind, Body and Spirit Books
Visit My eBay Shop: avatars-unite
Feel free to check out my E-bay site and browse for any books on subjects ranging from Theosophy, Religion, Paranormal, Yoga, Meditation and Philosophy.
I hope to get a lot more range to my book subjects in the future so stay tuned!
Posted by avatars-unite at 11:58 0 comments
Labels: Avatars-unite, Books, E-bay, E-bay Shop, Ebay, Meditation, Metaphysics, Shop, Yoga
Using WikiAnswers to share your knowledge!
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WikiAnswers is a great Wiki-based website designed to help anyone and everyone to share their knowledge and experience with everyone else!
Become an Expert and see if you can Answer some of the many questions posted to this Brilliant Resource.
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Click here
Posted by avatars-unite at 00:19 0 comments
Labels: Answers, Meditation, Questions, Samadhi, WikiAnswers, Yoga
Monday, 14 January 2008
Welcome to E-bay!
If you have an interest in Meditation, Alternative Therapies, Meditation, Philosophy or want to but a book from my Auction just pop in and browse!
Visit My eBay Shop: avatars-unite
Posted by avatars-unite at 23:27 0 comments
Labels: Alternative therapies, auction, Avatars-unite, E bay, E-bay, E-bay Shop, Meditation, philosophy
Karma - The Cosmic Challenge!
We hear this word a lot in the Media, on TV and especially in books about Mysicism, Yoga and Self-Development but what is it and more importantly How do we apply it in our daily lives.
Karma has been delt with in many books and by different schools of thought.
In this Blog I will attempt to give the reader a good basic understanding of this Cosmic Law and how it applies to every individual and indeed to all things individual or Collective!
Karma is a Cosmic Law which dictates that ALL parts of Creation individually and collectively Will Evolve back to That source from which it came. It doesnt matter so much, what you call that source, God, Brahma, Great White Spirit, or Allah - the fact is IT Exists nevertheless!
One can say, 'How do we know that God exists?'
Well, one sure way is to Evolve ourselves spiritually that we can contact God itself!
According to the ancient and modern Masters of Yoga be applying ourselves to the Science of Yoga or Union with God-Consciousness we can actually percieve God or feel its presence as Astral Light, the Cosmic Sound, Bliss, Divine Joy, Inner Peace and many other qualities in which this Supreme Consciousness likes to play with his devotees.
Now, we cannot percieve or feel God in its Entirety because God itself must be beyond the limitations of Man's perception or even Conception - however we can Know God in one of its Divine Manifestations.
Among the many manifestations of God I wish to discuss is this Manifestation of Karma!
By studying the principles of Karma we can bring ourselves closer to that Creator of Karmic Dictates!
O yes, I say Dictates......! Well ,who else is worthy to dictate anything in this Universe, save he that created it!
Karma is a manifestation of Divine Will which is All-pervasive in Creation.
It is simpy designed to incorporate all life with an 'in-built' automatic recall system so that never mind how far down the ladder of Evolution we get - always this Recall of Love - True Impersonal Love beckons us ever upwards towards the Cosmic Lover.
Our every thought and action must be within this Cosmic Law for it is All-Pervasive - however there is an Allowance within the Law for apparent Involution! This allowance is tolerated to a certain point but this is just an appearence and eventually everything must Evolve to a higher and higher state.
This allowance, as I said is to Accomodate our Free-will - however there comes an end to Free Will!!! But that is another Blog!
By examining our thoughts and actions in-line with those principles of Correct Conduct we can transmute our lives into meaningful thoughts and actions and thereby avoid the unneccessary, unpleasant experiences which life can throw at us ( Karmically Speaking ).
One shining example of a life well lived by applying certain basic laws to put our lives in Harmony with Divine Law is a woman called Peace Pilgrim.
Find below a wonderful site to align your life with Simple living and High Thinking!
Avatars-Unite My StumbleUpon Page
Posted by avatars-unite at 08:14 0 comments
Labels: blogger, Karma, Meditation, spirituality, the cosmic challenge, the ultimate adventure, Yoga
What is the Purpose of Life ?
For countless millenia mankind has asked this question
What is Life all about ?
How do we find Meaning in our Lives ?
Is there a God ?
It appears that this searching on the part of mankind is born out of a deep seated desire to Know Truth. Modern Science is for the most part still searching for answers to the Why and How of existence. The ancient Rishis or Saints in ancient India devoted their lives to this vital search.
Through Meditation and Yoga they discovered the subtle laws which operate behind and through matter. They discovered that every living thing is on a Journey!
When we go into the countryside for a walk we travel through space and also time - this is obvious. But there is another higher, more important journey we All make - in fact - the ONLY REAL JOURNEY we will ever have to make - THE JOURNEY THROUGH EVOLUTION!
The ancient Masters applied their minds to the Scientific Techniques of Meditation where these Truths were revealed. They realized that everything we do in life - every thought and action was virtually a stepping stone towards their own Evolution or temporarily taking us away from that Great Source from which we came.
By applying the Principles of Right conduct and Living we could shorten our journey - our spiritual advancement and bypass the need to undergo unneccessary suffering.
Evolution Presumes a journey towards an objective or goal.
This goal - this Ultimate Truth - this Perfection towards which we are all moving at our own pace is what the Ancient Yogi's called God.
Now, for God to be an Absolute Perfection it must be :
No 1 ) Changeless ( Anything which changes cannot be real in any fundamental sense )
No 2 ) Greater than the Whole and yet Containing It ! ( Every material thing in Creation has a source from which it came - including the Universe. All parts of Creation must be aspects of the Absolute, albiet, at different stages of Evolution, whereas the Absolute must be Greater than That which It Created - this is Logical )
No 3 ) Must be Beyond the neccessity for Evolution Itself ( The Absolute created the 'neccessities' of Karma so that Manifestation could exist within a Creation which offers Evolution as its basis. The Absolute, however, must be beyond the need to Evolve - at least Evolution as we understand it governed by Karmic Dictates )
For the ancient yogis this realization became their Ultimate Adventure!!!
This Adventure they called - Yoga or Union with God.
Avatars-unite My StumbleUpon Page
Posted by avatars-unite at 07:12 0 comments
Labels: Answers, Avatars-unite, blogger, Purpose of life, the ultimate adventure